We have the honour and the pleasure to introduce our Foundation to you. At the origin, the idea to get a mission to protect the children and the women rights was developed in 2004 by a movement called LHAPI founded by Mrs. R.Ay. Tri Wahyuniati Subali who is also Ambassador for Peace the UN, a Notary and a Lecturer in some Universities in Bandung and Jakarta. With the changes of Law, a new legal Foundation was then established : YAYASAN GAPURA MERAH PUTIH. Till today, this organization helps more than a thousand children. Orphans whose coming from very poor families, providing to them a shelter with professional education (from pre-school up to Senior High School), healthcare, and being exploited by unscruplous people.
In a large city like Jakarta, with approximately 12 million inhabitans it is estimated that 10 to 12% are carrying babies hired from their parents. Very young children work for some organized syndicates and are often abused. Teenager girls are even forced to do prostitution. Other poor children aged bellow 14 work in some factories for bringing money to their families.
Our foundation rescue as much as possible such categories of children. We give them a familt life. Our mission is on a very large scale indeed, but we hardly work and always ameliorate our service on a professional matter with the kind assistance of benevolent experts in different fields (education, health, social welfare, religion, etc.) and our permanent Staff. Our programs include:
* Learning with fun
* No return to the streets
* Producing and enhancing talented children (i.e. National Mathematics Olympics, International
Martial Arts,Music, Modelling).
* 400 students in Jakarta, 450 in Malang, 300 in West Nusa Tenggara and 200 in Kelapa Island.
* Assistance for poor children's families, children with trauma caused, orphans, etc.
In order to continue and intensify our efforts we need your help to reach the unreachable, hand by hand to raise against all ignorance and stoic underdeveloped conditions around us.
We thank you for your kindly considerations and support.
Best Regards,
R.Ay. Tri Wahyuniati Subali Andi Firman, SH.Ph.D